Siren’s Wing

Risk Level III

The disguise of a Behemoth Type Visbane that appears near the Peripheral Sea, the pure white sea demoness. Those bewitched by its appearance are completely unaware of the trap they've fallen into.

BT Siren's Wing

Dream Rush
Siren summons numеrоus water projectiles аnd sends them hurtling toward the enemy ahead.

Sea-Piеrcing Torrent
Siren stirs up winds and wаvеs, summoning twо rays to attack the seaborne enemy.

Opponent Intel 01
Capable of manipulating the ocean currents and controlling storms, it can rapidly move around the ocean despite his large body.

Opponent Intel 02
He can tamper with the reality of the Surface Layer by corrupting the data of the Source Layer, forming illusory
bubble worlds. The space contained within these bubble worlds disappears as soon as they burst.

Opponent Intel 03
Like a sailor enraptured by a siren's song who only comes to their senses when their ship runs aground, it's only when the bubble bursts that the people contained within it become aware of their imminent doom.