Child of Heaven

The so-called "Child of Heaven" who is supposed to be leading the people of Sasanami, but its outer appearance as Karasugo Haruka is a lie – it's actually a high-level Cognizant Visbane birthed from the Sasanami District Source Layer.

Feathеred Incаrnation
Flies into thе air аnd prоduces two replicates of itself, which then all shoot Bane Energy toward the target.
Calаmity Rockfall
Summons rоcks to smash into the ground, inflicting DMG on аll surrounding еnemies.
Moth оf Betrayаl
Flies into thе air аnd cоncentrates Bane Energy into a moth, which then divebombs the enemy, dealing DMG.
Opponent Intel 01
Usually taking on the form of an innocent child, she has on occasion said things that have chilled people to the bone with their cruelty. None but her colluder Izuru Masayoshi knows the true ambitions she harbors.
Opponent Intel 02
One hundred years ago, Akika attempted to assassinate the Crane God and steal its Cinders, then seal away the Snake, Deer, Monkey and Crow Gods afterwards. However, she was seriously injured during the endeavor, and was forced to disguise herself as the Child of Heaven in order to recuperate. A century on and the five mountain gods are slowly regaining their former strength, and Akika knows the time is right for her to put her plan into action.
Opponent Intel 03
The five mountain gods and Akika are all Fusion Types that were originally born in the Sasanami Source Layer. They consumed so many Cinders that cracks began to appear, and the six Visbanes kept trying to eat each other, though they were incapable of directly attacking one another. Akika has spent her entire life trying to find a way to kill the other mountain gods so that all the power will reside in her.